My Days in Darkness

My Days in Darkness


My poetry, as you know, reflects me and my life henceforth. My newest addtion, coming soon, is based on the past few months specifically and all the difficulties thereof on love, life and everything else.


The Devil’s Incarceration

*A piece written with someone very special to me - my best friend.

The glass shattered with the echoes of my silent memories
Beneath my feet the pieces imitate my inner most uncertainties
My tainted reflection from the fragmented glass pierces me.

The devil plays games with my incessant doubts
He laughs at the fear I feel inside, ignoring my constant shouts
He shows his face as I revel in tumult, stalking . . . prowling . . . pursuing me.
I ran away, seeking a measure of solitude and safety
This never-ending game of hide and seek is one that I wait to lose.

His grin rasps the lining of the depths of my soul
His humour entails perceiving me as a useless rag doll
I lie there, lifeless, waiting to be tossed around, used and abused by the one that possesses me
He has intensified my faults, revealing the tears of my world
As they pool on the ground, drowning me in fallacy.

Like the thorns of a rose, my silent hate conceals my sensitive soul, mauled away.

My paralysis leads to a deficiency of my tears
I no longer know of happiness - only my fears
He rose - insignificant, small, truncated
But he left having consumed all of me.

The devil - the evil within me that encapsulates the benevolence
Yearning for return . . .
But I have already succumb to his weight and power.
He slammed the door on the illusions I unknowingly created -


A.G. Kolloori & B. Branthwaite
October 2010


The Devil's Insanity

Do not ask questions for which answers you will not receive.
Do not taint and pollute this world with your sick obsessions!
You! Some vile creature that breeds in deep, stale waters; manifesting into a pathogen that spread to the purest of hearts, like poison flowing through my veins from your snake bite.
Your malice torture to my cathasis as you rip me to shreds due to that profound evil inside you! But i. . . i am just a reflection.
A reflection of what you will never fathom, never be, but always want.
Just some isolated soul whose spirit you'll never posses; for there is no armour against fate and forever, i will preach your insanity.



My Belovéd Traitor

So slowly it eats away at me,
So slowly it ravages my heart.
Like an ice-tipped spear separating the fine threading of my skin,
The threading that once held me together.

Oh, how much I wish these sores would heal!
How much I wish they would disappear.
Just like you…disappear,
Gone forever.

But now all I have are these crevices, cracks and depressions you have left me with.
No solidarity, no love and sincerity,
Just your viciousness leaking in everywhere,
Your viciousness that halts my catharsis.

And now, all I have is more anger and pain,
For you this time;
My Belovéd Traitor


Your Love Silhouette

A silhouette, dark and mysterious to me.
A figure outlined against a white background,
Enhanced by the light around it.

It seems so close, certain it’s within my grasp,
Yet my grasp finds nothing but wild particles of air,
Slipping away between my fingers.

It draws nearer and nearer,
As I am tormented by it’s overpowering emphasis.
It seeps into my skin like a demon entering the body of a sinner.
And as it flows through my veins with vengeance as it embraces me.

I feel wronged by this overwhelming creature,
Slipping in and out as it pleases;
There is no concern, there is no respect,
There is no sign of regret.

Flooded by feelings unfamiliar to me,
I surrender to this beast.



Tears on Fire

For you this poem I write,
For you these tears I shed.
These tears that burn scars on my face,
The flames spat from the depths of my eyes.

These tears so filled with passion,
Long to find its way to you.
These tears so filled with yearning,
Contain the tiny particles that form your name.

Your name-tears pooling in the depths of my soul,
Building and growing,
Drowning me whole.

These tears – a fueled fire in my soul,
Conflicting, contrasting, colliding with your peaceful, cool serenity;
Flowing through my veins,
Creeping up my body,
Filling me with what was once my blood.

For you this poem I write,
For you these tears I shed.
These tears that represent the sensitive membrane lining my soul,
So hot…so eager to escape;
These tears on fire are burning me whole.


The Gift of Your Insanity

And here I am,
Sitting alone in a dark room,
With my eyes wide open,
Focusing on nothing.

I sit here quietly mellowing over dangerous, irretrievable words,
Words that penetrate my now weak exterior,
Hitting at me like wild bullets,
Harming my inner sensitivity.

My heart and soul now badly bruised,
With wounds that won’t heal with time.
My tears no longer a sorrow that you feel,
But rather the anger of despise.

I wait here patiently reminding myself of a forgotten strength,
I close my eyes from the darkness around me,
Only to be flooded by more.
I have become the lie, beautiful and free in my own righteous mind,
As I am forced to regret the warmth you once gave to me.

But here I sit, exposed and vulnerable,
Speaking words of no sense and seemingly no meaning,
Speaking with the wild eyes of a mad person,
As I adore and preach,
The insanity that you gave to me.


Daddy, I Remember

Daddy, I remember the look you got in your eyes everytime you picked me up and embraced me in your arms. I remember the pride you took in your little girl, the girl you were sure would make you proud with all that she does.

Daddy, I remember the days when you used to carry me on your back when I was too tired to walk. I remember how you cradled me in you arms as you rocked me to sleep. I remember how I would lie in bed as you read to me and watched as I drifted away.

Daddy, I remember how you would wake up in the middle of the night to make me something to eat because I was hungry. I remember how you would feed me when I was sick and bring me my medicine.

Daddy, I remember how you came running when I woke up in terror from a bad dream, screaming for you. I remember how you would sleep next to me and how I would wrap my arms and legs around you, knowing you would keep me safe, knowing you were my security.

Daddy, I remember how you panicked every time I was injured. I remember how angry you got every time someone hurt me, because you were not there to protect me.

Daddy, you made me believe that I was invincible because I had you – my invincible shield. You made me believe that no one could ever hurt me and no harm would ever come to me, because I had you – my invincible shield.

Then why.
Why did you let him touch me!
Why did you let him get so close!
I was so young.
You should have seen!
You should have known!
Daddy, why didn’t you protect me?

Daddy, now that you know I see you try so hard, I see how much you want to protect me from the evil in this world. I see how much you love me, I see how much you care. I know I am your little girl – the apple of your eye, centre of your existence.

Daddy, you give me everything any daughter could ever want from their father, and I will always love you more than anyone in this world.

Daddy, you are amazing.
Daddy, you are my hero.
