My Days in Darkness

My Days in Darkness


My poetry, as you know, reflects me and my life henceforth. My newest addtion, coming soon, is based on the past few months specifically and all the difficulties thereof on love, life and everything else.


Tears on Fire

For you this poem I write,
For you these tears I shed.
These tears that burn scars on my face,
The flames spat from the depths of my eyes.

These tears so filled with passion,
Long to find its way to you.
These tears so filled with yearning,
Contain the tiny particles that form your name.

Your name-tears pooling in the depths of my soul,
Building and growing,
Drowning me whole.

These tears – a fueled fire in my soul,
Conflicting, contrasting, colliding with your peaceful, cool serenity;
Flowing through my veins,
Creeping up my body,
Filling me with what was once my blood.

For you this poem I write,
For you these tears I shed.
These tears that represent the sensitive membrane lining my soul,
So hot…so eager to escape;
These tears on fire are burning me whole.
