My Days in Darkness

My Days in Darkness


My poetry, as you know, reflects me and my life henceforth. My newest addtion, coming soon, is based on the past few months specifically and all the difficulties thereof on love, life and everything else.


The Gift of Your Insanity

And here I am,
Sitting alone in a dark room,
With my eyes wide open,
Focusing on nothing.

I sit here quietly mellowing over dangerous, irretrievable words,
Words that penetrate my now weak exterior,
Hitting at me like wild bullets,
Harming my inner sensitivity.

My heart and soul now badly bruised,
With wounds that won’t heal with time.
My tears no longer a sorrow that you feel,
But rather the anger of despise.

I wait here patiently reminding myself of a forgotten strength,
I close my eyes from the darkness around me,
Only to be flooded by more.
I have become the lie, beautiful and free in my own righteous mind,
As I am forced to regret the warmth you once gave to me.

But here I sit, exposed and vulnerable,
Speaking words of no sense and seemingly no meaning,
Speaking with the wild eyes of a mad person,
As I adore and preach,
The insanity that you gave to me.



  1. you have a great talent for poetry - according to me anyways

  2. Thank you. I appreciate that. Unfortunately my poetry is quite dark but tat's when i find writing most therapeutic:)
